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23 февраля 17.00 ДКГ

Оперетта  в  2-х действиях

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8 февраля 17.00 ДКГ

Мюзикл в 2-х действиях

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9 февраля 17:00 ДКГ

Оперетта  в 3-х действиях

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21 февраля 18.30 ДКГ

Оперетта в 2-х действиях

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Head word

Dear site visitors!
The Karaganda Academic Theater of Musical Comedy, which you can get detailed information about on our website, has existed since 1973.
This is a theater with long-standing traditions that have developed over the years.
This is the theater of the operetta, and on our stage its spirit, its charm, its optimism, its imperturbability and magnificence,
its openness and the all-confirming feeling of love and joy of life are preserved.
Over 45 years of the theater's existence, the repertoire has more than 250 productions, including the pearls of the world classical operetta and more modern ones.
Of course, this is “Bayadera”, “Silva” and “Maritsa” by I. Kalman; "Gypsy Baron" and "The Bat" by I. Strauss; "Merry widow" F.Legar; "Tricks of Khanumy" G. Kancheli;
"The dog in the manger" G.Gladkova and many others. But the theater brighter and more interestingly realizes itself and its potential, putting musicals, shows, ballets, operas on the stage. 
We all succeed, and it pleases.
We strive to use innovative approaches in the formulation of new performances, we actively cooperate with well-known world directors and choreographers, and invite artists from different countries to participate in joint projects.
Such a process enriches the repertoire, contributes to a deeper, more thought-out approach to each performance, to each vocal part, to each choreographic decision and, of course, to the selection of personnel.
There are more than 150 artists in the troupe, although the entire theater team is almost 300 people.
Every person in the theater is dear to us, every artist is unique. We are proud that in the troupe there are 2 honored workers of Kazakhstan, 2 holders of the “Madeniet Salasyyn үzdіgі” badge,
4 holders of the “Madeniet Hayratkeri” badge, 4 laureates of international competitions, 4 diploma winners of international festivals, 2 holders of the Order “Ormet”,
2 holders of the Honorary Diploma Kazakhstan, many were awarded prizes of the Akim of the region and the Department of Culture, awarded diplomas of the city, regional and republican levels.
We have a wonderful, highly professional troupe!
We are glad that you are our regular viewer and want to know more about us! We are glad if you happened to be on our site and hope in your face to find not only your fan, and therefore the operetta fan, but also a like-minded person, because once having come into contact with the magic of the scene and music, it is difficult to stay away.
Good luck! Search! Understanding!
Head of the Theater Honored Worker of Kazakhstan
Amantai Temirbaevich Ibraev